DS doll gallery, love doll videos

Instructions for the video files

All the DS silicone doll's video files in our website are made by ourselves with a mini DV.

Due to the regional network conditions, display of the video files may be very slow or the video files can not be displayed. Please understand this.

If the video can't display online, please try right click it and save as FLV file.

Video files also upload on YouTube webiste:    see videos on Youtube

the video about the doll factory and sex doll product introduction

the video show about the sex doll details and information

the video show about the doll movement and range of movements limit

the video show about the doll sex function, insert setup, vagina, anal and oral using instructions.

About us

Our factory and products

DS doll company information, where are we, how we make dolls.

About DS  

Have Questions?

here are answers to your most frequent questions about our products,

all information about our dolls, website and purchase.

Q and A  

community and reviews

World's doll bbs, doll enthusiasts' community

see other doll owner's pictures, doll usage experience, and share yours.